Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tiring day...

Where am I? by =jcroxas on deviantART
My featured Art for this entry

So hi guys! It's Skeeper here again. I just want you to know that I'm doing good today.

First things first. Jake already came back from japan and i received the funky and shiny shimmering sticker torquoise beads for my phone. Looks really strong and it really looks expensive. I failed to capture it in my camera as my camera is not here.

Gosh. I sure hope so that i have a camera wherever I go.

Another thing, me and Mark went nuts today as we should meet our classmates for the casting of our shortfilm. But no one came there so we decided to go to Mindpro to buy Sims 3. Then we went to some stores, searched some interesting stuffs in Bloomingdales and even checked for some waveboards. We really want to buy one.

Then we decided to go back to School but we first stopped at McDonalds to have some snacks. Blah blah blah. Everything just went normally. Went back to school, had some series of talks and finally found ourselves talking to Rica. But she has to go to a party so we decided to go to a computer shop where i left mark and went home. But unfortuantely, it's brownout again so i went to the school and headed straight to the back field

Then we played JAVELIN THROW! THEN WAVEBOARD! THEN FRISBEE! gosh. tiring but im happy.
Thanks to Keren, Queennee and Kent. :D we had fun



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