Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tiring day...

Where am I? by =jcroxas on deviantART
My featured Art for this entry

So hi guys! It's Skeeper here again. I just want you to know that I'm doing good today.

First things first. Jake already came back from japan and i received the funky and shiny shimmering sticker torquoise beads for my phone. Looks really strong and it really looks expensive. I failed to capture it in my camera as my camera is not here.

Gosh. I sure hope so that i have a camera wherever I go.

Another thing, me and Mark went nuts today as we should meet our classmates for the casting of our shortfilm. But no one came there so we decided to go to Mindpro to buy Sims 3. Then we went to some stores, searched some interesting stuffs in Bloomingdales and even checked for some waveboards. We really want to buy one.

Then we decided to go back to School but we first stopped at McDonalds to have some snacks. Blah blah blah. Everything just went normally. Went back to school, had some series of talks and finally found ourselves talking to Rica. But she has to go to a party so we decided to go to a computer shop where i left mark and went home. But unfortuantely, it's brownout again so i went to the school and headed straight to the back field

Then we played JAVELIN THROW! THEN WAVEBOARD! THEN FRISBEE! gosh. tiring but im happy.
Thanks to Keren, Queennee and Kent. :D we had fun


A Poem for Danielle


by =jcroxas

Whoever thought I could meet?
A girl as lovely as thee.
With eyes so tiny and sweet as milk
With lovely lips, so thin and so meek.

I can still remember when I and her first met
It was a dream come true for the prince's mind set.
I always watch her walk towards me with flare
As she caught me looking at her with my eyes full of glare.

Each day passed with happiness in my heart.
My words are becoming alive for her, I remarked.
But when the day came that she needs to embark
I caught myself standing, in a long room without any sparkling thing in the dark.

See you soon Danielle.

I'm still here... missing you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lego Artisan Creates Endangered Species for Zoo

@challengfuture tweeted about this article from Tree Hugger. This caught my attention since this is really a perfect way to exhibit the endagered animals in a new manner.

Sean Kenney, a renowned Lego artist, exhibited his works at the Philadelphia Zoo's Lego-made exhibit, called Creatures of Habitat: A Gazillion-Piece Animal Adventure. In this exhibit, Kenney created 34 animal-lego models for almost a year. He modeled the polar bears, endagered frogs, birds and even tamarins. And all the the lego scultptures were made up of 95,000 Lego pieces. Now that is really an impressive number. Just imagine how he put his efforts just to show the love of people in taking good care of our beloved endagered animals and to animals who are already in the midst of saying good bye to the world.

Kenney also said that he really wanted to do this because he wanted to explain the serious problems in ways that children can understand. Since the scultputres were made up of Legos, surely the attention of the children will be caught and therefore they will be aware that many animals are already experiencing great danger and so that, they can also do simple acts to save them or just even showing care to the animals around them.

This is indeed a brand new way to remind us that we need to take care of something so that the world will reamain beautiful.

"In addition to the Lego sculptures, each exhibit features a description of how the animals' habitat is under threat, and simple ways that everyone can help aid in its protection. Visitors are encouraged to recycle, avoid environmentally irresponsible products, and bicycle instead of drive when they can.

credits to: for the images

Friday, April 9, 2010

Explore my Bag NOW!

This is fun! :

So the picture above shows the things i usually put inside my bag. 

My ASUS laptop
Yes! as much as possible, i will bring it everyday. All my files are there. My useful programs, musics and videos. Pictures of my family i always miss them. :) Plus, without my laptop, I can't have free access to internet hahaha. So my laptop is very useful for me.

 Any book!
When boredom strikes an i dont want to surf the net, i always end up reading a book. YESH! I am a book lover, book worm, book enthusiast and call it your way. I love books and if you want to give me some books, please. DO NOTE ME! and i'll give you my mailing address. Now, i am re-reading Tales of Beadle the Bard by JK Rowling (as can be seen in the picture) :)

 Card Reader
For fast transfer purposes since my laptop can only accommodate SD cards. :) 

Post It notes
originally bought for operation beautiful. But i think i will start to use it for a special project for me. Project Make Someone Happy. Details will be given next time :)

 Any Accesories
DANG! I love accessories :D hahaha. In the picture, you can see a bracer i borrowed snatched from my high school classmate 

ever experienced touching something sticky that you want to get easily? well, tissues may come in handy for this sticky situations.hahaha. In the picture above, i have this pooh-themed Kleenex tissues.

My Globe Tattoo broadband
My portable internet source. With this thing, i can go surf the net anywhere, anytime! :bow:

Pencil Case
Just my darling pencil case. my lovely one. where i put my phone, broadband, ballers and etc. Now, is this really a pencil case? :O_o: