I'm really happy that the Philippines is really doing their best to support Earth Hour. As a Filipino, I have been a witness to many environmental problems and thought of many solutions that are quite impossible to make because of the lack of present resources. Yes. We lack some things as an individual and as a community. But that doesn't stop us to make our support for Earth.
Just this week, I started a group in DeviantART called wesupportEARTH. The idea there came from the globally know Earth Hour. Since Earth Hour is celebrated annually, I decided to focus the group not only about Earth Hour but with the thought of helping to support our Earth and to build environmental awareness to the whole deviantART community. As true blooded deviants, I know that we can also make a difference and that we can always do our best to help in saving the environment. So from that, we were able to make the idea of the group that,:
We can make a difference. We can save Earth through our arts and creativeness. Let us all support Earth because we care for Earth.
To show our support to Earth Hour, we also created a collection in our Favorites section that shows the deviants' support to Earth Hour last year. And that was really Epic! We have many deviations in our gallery! ^_^ You can view the collection here.
I am so happy that many deviants are showing their support to Earth Hour and to thank them, I also featured them to expose their arts and support to Earth Hour! Check everything here:
And as a Filipino, I would also like to advertise the contest that Earth Hour Pilipinas initiated: Earth Hour Photo Contest
"To broaden avenues for Earth Hour participation this year, organizers are launching an EHP visual documentation contest in three categories: (a) cell phone photos (b) digital camera photos, and (c) videos. The contest is open to all Filipinos aged 15 and above. All entries should capture the spirit of Earth Hour in any of the Earth Hour 2010 events nationwide."
To view more about the contest, please visit this link.
Just a note. The contest has three categories:
- Cellphone Photos
- Digital Camera Photos
- Videos
So make the techie-you alive and show your support to Earth Hour with our technology.
Remember, we are doing this not only for our country but we are doing this for our beautiful planet! :)
Just remember this thing also, if you think that swithcing of our lights is not enough, then think again! Rmember, the whole world is participating and if all people will turn off their lights during Earth Hour [March 27, 2010] then, we are coninuing the history in the making in saving our beauiful planet!
Please show your support to Earth hour because when we support our Earth, we care for Earth!
Dont keep this as a secret! Share this to everyone!
Skeeper Cares too!
I invited all of my friends to the 'Earth Hour' event of Facebook just yesterday and FIVE people have already responded saying they are going to attend!
I can assure you I will do all I can to bring your group forward and I hope to be with you every step of the way! :D
@youngadvocate: thank you so much buddy. You are really burning my passion to save our planet more.
thanks for everything :D i always salute you my friend and i will also support you all the way! ^_^
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